Delyo's Writings


— published on 13·11·24

those are updated manually when I find the energy because writing an automation script is too much work for not much gain

This entire site uses 13 MB of storage.

This site uses the Linux Libertine family of fonts, particularly Linux Biolinum.

This site was made using Eleventy SSG.

This site is currently hosted by the good folx over on Domaine Public

This site's content, excluding quotes from other sites, is under Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 4.0 License license. You are free to share it and modify it as long as you attribute original authorship and share the content under the same license, whether it is for commercial purposes or not.

This site considers itself part of the Indie Web community.

Written by a human, not by AI


If you have any thoughts or comments about this site or about an article, send me an email!